Starting in Freezing Weather.
These instructions are additions to operation under unusual conditions:
Step 1. If the engine will not start, squeeze the hose clamp prongs and pull the fuel tube from the
metering jet. Check for fuel flow from the tube.
Step 2. If the fuel does not flow from the fuel tube, close the float bowl toggle valve.
If the fuel does not flow, close the fuel line shutoff valve. Check inside the fuel filter
bowl and fuel sediment strainer for ice particles. If ice particles have formed, the
generator must be warmed under cover before it will start.
In freezing weather, the engine valve petals may stick to the engine head. This will
prevent fuel and combustion air from entering the chamber of the engine.
Step 3. If fuel flows from the fuel tube, the fuel system is clear. Close the float bowl toggle valve.
Step 4. Pump the air pump handle to pressurize the air accumulator until air pressure gage indicates 60
Step 5. Cover the venturi of the engine head with gloved hand or rag to choke (close off) the air intake
opening. Press the air release button to force the engine valve petals open with pressurized air from the
air accumulator.
Step 6. When the pressure gage indicates 0 psig, remove gloved hand or rag from the engine head
venturi. Squeeze the hose clamp prongs and slide the fuel tube onto the metering jet.
Step 7. Open the float bowl toggle valve and continue normal starting procedures.
Step 8. If the engine still won't start, close the float bowl toggle valve.
Step 9. Squeeze the hose clamp prongs and pull the fuel tube from the metering jet.
Step 10. Unscrew the air hose from the flowjector.
Step 11. Press the adjustment knob, lower and swing the float bowl assembly to the left.
Step 12. Remove the engine head assembly with an open end wrench and inspect for sticking engine
valve petals. Repair with on-board spares as needed. Do not reinstall the engine head at this time.
Step 13. Pull the lock pin and pump the air pump handle to pressurize the air accumulator. When the
air pressure gage indicates 60 psig, insert the lock pin into the handle.