There are two basic goals of the smoke generator unit. The first is to provide troop and installation
concealment; the second is to reduce enemy observation by the production of smoke screens. Smoke
screens are normally produced by mechanical smoke generators and can be supplemented by smoke
pots. These generators and pots are placed around the area to be screened so that they will provide
maximum smoke coverage.
In this subcourse, you will learn the uses of smoke and the effects of wind and weather on smoke.
You will learn the capabilities and limitations of the M3A4 smoke generator, how to perform operator
maintenance; how to operate the M3A4 smoke generator; and how to perform before-, during-, and
after- operation services.
You will learn to describe the M3A4 smoke generator and the uses of the smoke generator. You
must be able to --
Describe capabilities and limitations of the smoke generator.
Describe the use of smoke on the battlefield.
Identify the uses of smoke and the importance of cover and concealment.
Once you have learned the characteristics and uses of smoke, you will learn the operator's
maintenance necessary to prepare the smoke generator for operation. You must be able to perform
operator maintenance on --
The engine and fuel system.
The fog oil system.
After you have learned the procedures for preparing the generator for operation, you will learn the
procedures for operating and servicing it. You must be able to --
Fuel and perform before-operation checks.
Identify starting procedures and perform during-operation checks.
Identify stopping procedures and perform after-operation services.
Identify procedures for operating under unusual conditions.