The decisive battle is fought in the main battle area (MBA). Smoke units help deny the enemy
information by concealing the preparation and location of battle positions, artillery units, and other
forces. Smoke units will normally operate with smoke generators mounted to maximize mobility in the
Figure 16. Smoke used in a defensive operation.
Smoke can conceal the preparation of brigade sectors in the MBA. It can also deny the enemy
information on how and where the battle may be conducted. The smoke plan complements the plan for
preparing battle positions. Positions located well forward are prepared and smoked. Before the battle
reaches these positions, smoke operations stop so that friendly visibility is not degraded. Smoke
operations must be carefully coordinated to avoid degrading long-range antitank systems.
Smoke generator units provide smoke on successive battle positions until the battlefield is fully
prepared. Because brigade support units remain fixed for several hours, smoke units normally maintain
a large smoke haze over the area early in battle. The same is true for the division support area. If
sufficient smoke generator units are available to support the commander's priorities, brigade and
division support areas should be concealed from beginning to end of the battle. If there are not enough
smoke units, smoke screens should be employed as far forward as possible and then moved
progressively to the rear.
Division and corps support areas are difficult to camouflage and displace.
Thus, it is very
important to hide them. Smoke units usually are employed on