(b) Date-time. This is the date and time that the message is sent. It must be designated
whether local or ZULU time is used.
(c) Security classification. Normally the NBC 5 (nuclear) report is UNCLASSIFIED.
(d) From. This line identifies the agency that prepared the report.
(e) To. This line identifies those agencies designated to receive the report.
(f) Type of report. This line identifies the report as an NBC 5 (nuclear) report.
(2) The body of the NBC 5 (nuclear) report consists of lines A, O or T, R, U, V, W, and X and
contains the following by-line information:
(a) A. This line contains the strike serial number assigned by the NBCC to the nuclear
(b) O. Date and reference time other than H + 1. When there have been several
detonations at different times or on different days and no single H + 1 hour is possible. Lines O and T
are, therefore, alternative and cannot both be used in the same report.
(c) R. The decay rate.
(d) T. Contains the date and time of H + 1. When the contamination arises from a single
enemy or unidentified burst, the dose rate always refers to H + 1 hour.
(e) U. 1,000-cGyph contour line coordinates.
NOTE: The dose rate for X on the NBC 5 (nuclear) report varies from that in STANAG 2103. The
United States (US) Army has determined that 20 cGyph is more meaningful than 30 cGyph for the
militarily significant perimeter of the fallout area at H + 1 hour.
(3) It is not necessary or even desirable to report all four of the contours of different dose
rates. Four are given to provide flexibility. In the example, only two are reported. When a contour
closes to form a complete ring, the first coordinate is repeated at the end (see Figure 6-6, letter V, 300-
cGyph contour line coordinates). Contour lines are to be annotated with the dose rates.
(4) Colors used for plotting and when sending the report as a trace are
Red for 1,000 cGyph.
Green for 300 cGyph.
Blue for 100 cGyph.