The fallout from an airburst is not normally militarily significant. In an
airburst, no soil is vaporized into the fireball and only a relatively small
amount of dirt is carried up into the fireball by the up-draft.
materials condense into very small particles which do not fall to earth very
rapidly. Some of these particles may travel around the world several times
before finally settling on the ground as fallout.
This means the
contamination will be spread over a large area, but the activity will have
decayed to a low level.
These are the two primary nuclear bursts to which the military must be
attentive and assure that NBC reports are prepared, transmitted, and
processed rapidly.
The Nuclear Burst Report (NBC 1).
The purpose of the NBC 1 is to provide nuclear burst information to
commanders, as quickly as possible.
This information is essential to
commanders and staffs for analysis and estimation of the situation and for
The format for NBC reports is contained in the Graphic Training Aid, GTA 3-
6-3. This GTA card is pocket sized. It is designed to be carried by the
individual soldier.
On the inside of the card are the formats for NBC
On the back of the card are explanations of each alphabetical
letter used in the reports.
The Initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report gives basic data compiled at unit level
and is submitted as soon as possible after the attack. This report should
contain, as a minimum, the date/time of detonation, type of burst, and
direction of attack from the observer.
This information is reported as
When available, information on
lines JULIET and KILO also should be reported in the Initial NBC 1 (Nuclear)
When additional information becomes available, it is forwarded
using a Subsequent (follow-up) NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report.
An explanation of
each line item in the NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report is given in GTA 3-6-3.
When an Initial or Subsequent NBC
1 (Nuclear) Report is prepared, the letter
lines are preceded by six lines
which identify the report.
These lines
state the precedence, date/time
of the report (local or ZULU), security
classification, sender, receiver,
and type of report, see Figure 1-5.
A Subsequent NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report has the same format.
It will include
additional letter items as more information is obtained.
subsequent NBC 1 Reports may be submitted until all known information has
been transmitted.