a. General.
known and when the flash-to-bang time (or distance from burst) and any of
the following parameters are known:
(1) Stabilized cloud-top angle.
(2) Stabilized cloud-bottom angle.
(3) Nuclear burst angular cloud width (measured at 5 minutes after
the burst).
b. Description.
Instructions for the use of the M4A1 Calculator are as follow:
(1) To obtain yield from cloud bottom or top:
(a) Align flash-to-bang time with elevation angle.
(b) Read yield on appropriate scale under pointer.
(2) To obtain yield from cloud width:
(a) Align flash-to-bang time with cloud width.
(b) Read yield under pointer.
(3) TO obtain yield from illumination time:
(a) Set pointer to illumination time.
(b) Read yield under pointer.
c. Sample calculations using M4A1.
(1) Yield from cloud width:
(a) Align 30 seconds on flash-to-bang time scale with 300 mils on
observed cloud width scale; read answer under pointer. Answer: 8 2KT.
(b) Align 35km on distance-to-ground zero scale with 180 mils on
observed cloud width scale; read answer under pointer. Answer: 50 2KT.
yield is to be utilized only when other methods of calculations are not
Determine fireball illumination time and read yield off yield