Step 6.
Repeat this procedure for each wind layer until the plot is
Be sure to use the appropriate slot for each wind
layer being plotted. Note that starting with the "16-18" slot,
each slot is used to plot several vectors.
The steps and Figures 2-2 through 2-5 on pages 2-13 through 2-16 show the
above procedures and use the air wind data in Table 2-1.
Step 1.
Attach overlay paper to a piece of graph paper, a map, a firing
north-south grid lines.
Mark GZ, scale, height dimensions, and
grid north on the overlay paper. Place the pinhole at the end of
slot 1 (marked "0-2") over the point marked GZ; stick a pin or
sharp pencil through the hole to hold that pinhole on GZ; rotate
the plotting scale until the 1240-mil line on the azimuth dial is
parallel to any north-south line and directed toward grid north;
draw a line in the 0-2 slot to 9 (9 knots) at the selected map
scale. Mark the end of this vector with the number 2 to indicate
2,000 meter height and add a small circle (Figure 2-2).
Step 2.
Place the pinhole at the end of slot 2 (marked "2-4") at the end
of the first vector; stick a pin or sharp pencil through the hole
to hold the pinhole there; rotate the plotting scale until the
1,420-mil line on the azimuth dial is parallel to any north-south
line and directed toward grid north; draw a line in the 2-4 slot
to 13 (13 knots) at the selected map scale. Mark the end of this
vector with the number 4 to indicate 4,000 meter height and add a
small circle (Figure 2-3).