(3) Disposal.
Water used for decon becomes contaminated. It must not be disposed of in areas where it
might flow or be washed into streams or other bodies of water or into areas where it
might contaminate ground water used as a water supply. When selecting a disposal area,
consider its hazard to troops and civilian populations. Disposal areas should be either
decontaminated or marked with standard contamination markers.
In an environment where NBC weapons have been used, situations are likely to occur in which standard
decontaminants are not available. This shortage will be caused by logistical delays, created by NBC
contamination, plus the increased usage of decontaminating materials.
Miscellaneous decontaminants can be used when standard decontaminants are not available, and when
the mission requires performance of decontamination. Miscellaneous decontaminants include soaps and
detergents, certain common chemical compounds, organic solvents, absorbents, and explosives. Soaps
and detergents remove NBC agents; alkaline soap and detergent solutions neutralize some chemical
agents, such as GB. Chemical compounds act to lessen the hazard of chemical agents, but do not
decontaminants discussed, which are not listed in supply publications, may be obtained through local
purchase. See Appendix C.
High Test Hypochlorite (Calcium Hypochlorite).
High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) is a bleaching material similar to STB, which can be used as a substitute
for STB. It is available as a stable water-soluble material in granular or tablet form, containing a
minimum of 70% calcium hypochlorite. It is also called high test bleach, HTB. The compound contains
a higher percentage of chlorine than STB, so it is more corrosive.
A slurry that can be sprayed is more difficult to obtain with HTH than with STB. A slurry consisting of
one part HTH and two parts water, by weight, can be sprayed from a PDDA. However, this mixture is
extremely corrosive to the apparatus and should be used only if STB is not available. Equipment which
has been used to spray HTH must be thoroughly cleaned after the spray mission. A slurry of greater
than one part HTH and two parts water, by weight, will clog the PDDA. HTH is satisfactory for
decontamination of blister agents and VX.
CM 2506