Thorough Decontamination Operations remove enough contamination to allow
soldiers to safely operate the equipment at reduced MOPP Levels for extended
periods. The unit must be taken out of battle; but when decontamination is
finished, the unit's combat power is restored. It will no longer need to
operate in MOPP 4.
This progression of decontamination techniques will be very effective. It
uses fewer resources at proper times; it provides long-term benefits that
can allow soldiers to lower MOPP Levels much earlier.
An example of how a self-propelled artillery battery might decontaminate
while continuing its mission follows:
You command a 155-millimeter, self-propelled howitzer battery that has just
been hit with rocket-delivered Persistent Nerve Agent. Your personnel take
good defensive measures during the attack.
They go to MOPP 4 and take
cover; only a few personnel and pieces of equipment are unprotected. Most
Only a few
soldiers need to conduct skin decontamination. You quickly and accurately
return fire, destroying the enemy.
Your soldiers are well-trained.
their first opportunity, they begin Personal Wipedown and Operator's
Principle 1: Decontaminate as soon as possible.
They wipe themselves down and use their onboard decontamination apparatus to
spraydown control surfaces or things that must be touched. This takes just
a few minutes. You continue providing fire support in MOPP 4 and move when
The temperature is 55, Fahrenheit (F), 13, Celsius (C), and the humidity is
Your soldiers stay in MOPP 4 for several hours.
Their fighting
capability is growing weaker, but there have not been any heat casualties
Your rigorous training in MOPP Gear during the past 12 months is
paying off.
However, the response time from receipt of fire mission to
rounds leaving the tubes is getting longer. Your soldiers have not eaten in
more than 12 hours. You know your combat power will continue to drop the
longer you stay in MOPP 4. You want to sustain your power and continue your
fire support mission.
You decide to do more decontamination to get
temporary relief from MOPP 4.
You request decontamination from your battalion. The battalion directs you
to conduct Operational Decontamination en route to your alternate position.