Operational Decontamination.
The aim of Operational Decontamination is to sustain operations, reduce the
contact hazard, and limit the spread of contamination to eliminate the
necessity or reduce the duration for wearing MOPP Gear. Operational Decon
is carried out by individuals and/or units. There are two Operational Decon
Techniques: Vehicle Washdown and MOPP Gear Exchange. (Figure 1-2).
Operational Decon allows a force to fight longer and sustain its mission
while contaminated. It limits the transfer hazard by removing most of the
gross contamination on equipment and almost all contamination on soldiers.
This speeds the weathering process.
Clean areas, equipment, terrain, and
people stay clean. Soldiers with few vapor hazard sources on themselves may
use clean areas to temporarily unmask to eat, drink, and rest.
Figure 1-1.
Decontamination Levels/Techniques