A warning may be provided by other means, such as the pattern of
established warfare or recognition of the delivery system used.
a. Pattern of Established Warfare.
After biological agents have been employed several times, a definite
usage pattern could materialize.
The time of attack, methods of
dissemination, munitions, or the stage of the operation in which the
agents are employed might be similar.
This information will not give
definite proof that a biological attack is occurring, however, if the
suspected action closely parallels previous known attacks, a warning
could be given.
b. Intelligence.
Intelligence can yield information useful in predicting a biological
Strategic intelligence could give the commander an estimate of
the enemy's overall capabilities, limitations, and probable
intentions for the employment of biological agents.
the enemy's battlefield readiness to employ biological agents.
Technical and medical intelligence also have application.
Technical intelligence could enable evaluation of the
protective equipment of an enemy and determination of its
availability to his forces.
Medical intelligence might
provide information concerning the status of enemy preventive
medicine capabilities, medical treatment capabilities, and
preparations being made in medical and related areas which
might indicate imminent attack with biological agents.
example, the extent of an enemy's immunization program might
be analyzed by methods, which include serum analysis and
examination of captured immunization records to determine the
The purpose of sampling is to aid in agent identification by obtaining a
large number of microorganisms relatively free from interfering material.
Sampling will be done by individuals trained in sampling procedures, so
that uniformity will exist in the samples.
The data is forwarded to
identification personnel. Sampling must not be done indiscriminately but
performed only after an indication that an attack has occurred. The U.S.
Army Standard A Sampling Kit is the M34 CBR Agent Sampling Kit.