based on results from a biological attack, but they will aid in reducing
the number of casualties and the severity of some of the diseases. The
before, during, and after an attack.
a. Measures Taken Before an Attack.
The measures taken before the attack are designed to minimize the effect
Sanitation and Immunization.
These measures are important in routine preventive medicine and are
implemented in every unit. During normal situations, these measures tend
to reduce the incidence of infectious disease and increase the general
health of the individual and the unit. The infective dosage is dependent
plays an important part in defense against biological attack by
preventing rodents and other vectors from transmitting disease to
previously unexposed personnel.
(2) Immunization.
The use of immunization is valuable to the extent that disease symptoms
are less severe or absent in immunized individuals.
Immunity is the
power or ability to resist or overcome infection or disease. An enemy
might hesitate to use a particular agent against troops protected by
immunization because they could not be sure of the results.
assumption must not be made that immunization is the only defense needed
against biological agent employment.
Effective immunization is not
available for all the potential biological agents, and acquired immunity
to some agents may be overcome if the dosage is high enough.
b. Measures Taken During Attack.
The measures taken by troops while under biological attack are similar to
those taken while under chemical attack. The most important single item
of protective equipment is the mask. A properly fitted protective mask
in good operating condition will give adequate protection against
aerosolized biological agents.
The importance of proper fit and
adjustment of the protective mask and hood cannot be overemphasized.
Protective clothing is not necessary for protection against field
concentrations of biological agents.
Normal clothing, buttoned and
arranged so that as much of the skin as possible is covered, will give
good protection. If possible, any open wounds should be bandaged.