Lesson 1/Learning Event 1
Common Table of Allowances (CTA). The CTA is an authorization document for items of
common and specific usage required by individuals, units, or activities.
Accountability. Accountability is the obligation of a person designated to keep an accurate
record of property or funds.
Supply Economy. Supply economy is the responsibility of everyone in the Army. It includes
conservation, maintenance, safeguarding, recovery, repair, and salvage of food, fuel, clothing,
weapons, and other supplies and equipment.
Supply Responsibility. All
troops who have
military property in
their possession or
under their
control have certain responsibilities regarding this property. Responsibility is the soldier's
obligation for the proper custody, care, and safekeeping of property entrusted to the soldier. This
includes property which the soldier possesses or controls with or without receipt, regardless of
the conditions (serviceability) of that property. Part of your job as an NBC defense officer or
NCO will be to exercise supply responsibility with regard to the NBC defense material under
your control.
Real Property. Lands, buildings, piers, utility systems, and other such items are primarily an
engineer responsibility.
Supplies. Raw materials, commodities, manufactured articles, means of transportation, unit
assemblies, and procured items stored or issued by the Army which have not become real
property are classed as expendable or nonexpendable.
Expendable Supplies. Those items which are consumed in use, such as soap or paper, and those
which lose their separate identity through use, such as a head gasket which becomes part of an
engine when installed, are expendable supplies. These also include those items designated as
expendable by the chief of the responsible agency.
Nonexpendable Supplies. Those items which do not meet the criteria for expendables are
nonexpendable supplies.
Organizational Property. This property is authorized by applicable MTOE, CTA, and TDA.
Such property is the minimum essential quantity and type necessary to accomplish the combat
mission of the unit.