Lesson 1/Learning Event 1
Logistical operations involve the process of determining requirements, and requesting,
procuring, storing, and distributing items to fulfill the needs of the unit NBC supplies and
equipment are included in this process.
Units stock some combat essential supplies and repair parts, called prescribed loads, or in the
case of ammunition, basic loads. The minimum stockage level is normally directed by a higher
command. The purpose of prescribed or basic loads is to enable a unit to sustain itself for
limited periods, or until resupply operations can be initiated. The prescribed load of NBC
equipment and repair parts are required to be available and operational if the NBC defense
mission is to be accomplished.
The supply effort is usually from rear to front When possible, supplies are delivered directly to
forward companies (unit distribution). Occasionally, forward units must go to a distribution
point to pick up supplies (supply point distribution), but this method of resupply should be used
only when unit distribution is not possible.
Classes of Supply
Supplies are divided into 10 classes to enhance requisitioning and distribution efforts. These
classes are identified in figure 1.
NBC equipment and supplies fall into the categories of classes II, V, VII, and IX
Logistical Terms and Definitions
Proper understanding of NBC logistical procedures requires a knowledge of applicable terms and
definitions. These terms apply to logistics in general. They include NBC supply, maintenance,
and storage procedures.
Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record, DD Form 314. This form provides a means for
recording scheduled and performed maintenance services required at the organizational
maintenance level. It also provides data for readiness reporting.
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, DA Form 2404. This form provides a
standard procedure to record equipment faults, results of inspections, maintenance services,
diagnostic checkouts, equipment serviceability checks, and technical evaluations.