Lesson 1/Learning Event 1
Retain Freedom to Maneuver. Just as cavalry must move to live, so must reconnaissance units.
NBC reconnaissance units, operating independently, avoid contact with the enemy since they are not
equipped to fight for information. When necessary, they obtain information by stealth. They use
overwatch, take advantage of terrain, and move on covered and concealed routes. When the ability
to maneuver is lost, they operate with other units, such as battalion task force scouts or cavalry
units, to enhance mission accomplishment. In any event, if contact is made when operating
independently, NBC reconnaissance elements break contact immediately and reassess the situation.
Develop the Situation Rapidly. NBC reconnaissance elements. Operating independently, do not
engage the enemy in self-defense. If contact is made, enemy fire is immediately suppressed by the
pedestal-mounted machine gun with which the team is equipped. Contact is then reported to the
next superior commander, and the reconnaissance team moves to the nearest covered position. If
further assistance is needed, mortar or field artillery fire is called in by the team in contact or any
overwatching element. Attack helicopters may also be used against enemy vehicles, particularly
hard targets like tanks. Once contact is reported, the commander controlling the operation must
decide whether the engaged team should continue the operation or alter its plans. Orders must flow
at once.
NBC reconnaissance teams, working with a battalion task force or a cavalry unit, operate as directed
by the leader of the force conducting the operation. This may often require NBC reconnaissance
teams to keep the enemy in view once it is spotted.