To supervise a biological agent sampling operation, you must supervise the:
1. Conduct of a chemical survey.
2. Collection of biological agent samples.
3. Marking of areas contaminated with chemical or biological agents.
Chemical and biological reconnaissance personnel must be briefed prior to a mission. Unit survey
their units and the next higher headquarters. The information is processed and plotted to the
situation map at the NBCE and disseminated as an NBC 5 report.
To conduct a chemical or biological survey operation. You must:
1. Brief NBC survey parties and reconnaissance units.
2. Process chemical and biological survey data.
The information you will receive in this subcourse will aid you in chemical and biological sampling.
You will be better prepared to supervise the preparations for and the conduct of chemical surveys
and biological surveys. You also will be better prepared to check for chemical agents and sample
for biological agents. You will be able to conduct a survey and process the information from the
survey. The information you learn in this subcourse may protect you and your unit and prevent
casualties in a chemically/biologically contaminated environment.
Read each lesson carefully and study the illustrations. Then try to answer the questions in the
practice exercise. Following the practice exercise are answers to the questions referenced to
learning events in the lesson. When you have completed all the lessons and practice exercises, it is
recommended that you review all the material in the subcourse before beginning the posttest.