Figure 4-2.
GTA 3-6-8, Continued
Line DELTA designates the date or time the attack started (for chemical or
biological attacks). The time may be given as LOCAL or ZULU time. It must
be stated which time is used. All times are reported as date/time groups. A
date/time group is a six-digit number where the first two digits are the date
of the month and the last four digits give the time of day (military time).
For example, 170130 means 0130 hours on the 17th, and 102217 means 2217 hours
on the 10th. The month and year are not used because NBC reports are not
saved or filed.
Line FOXTROT designates the area attacked (Chemical or Biological Reports).
The area may be given as the actual area or as an estimate. The one used
must be stated. If the observer is not at the attack location, that location
will be given as an estimate. Example: TU459830 estimated or OBERG actual.
CM 1301