On the backside of the card is the explanation for each alphabetical letter
used in the NBC Reports (Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-1.
NBC 1 Format (GTA 3-6-8)
Lines to Complete on Initial NBC 1 (Chem/Bio) Report.
The Initial NBC 1 Report is submitted as soon as possible after an attack
starts or a unit encounters a contaminated area. This report should contain,
as a minimum, the date or time the attack started, and either the direction
of attack from the observer, or the area attacked. This information is
reported as Lines BRAVO, DELTA, and either CHARLIE or FOXTROT. An
explanation of required lines and information is as follows.
Line BRAVO designates the position of the observer at the time of the attack.
If the observer is at the location of attack, the exact position is reported
and is given for both lines BRAVO and FOXTROT. The position can be stated as
a place, or physical location, such as a town or road junction; or the
position can be given in map coordinates, using the Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) grid coordinates. Since the report is not secure, this
position should be encoded. For example:
MARBURG or TU440810 (not encoded)
SWTIBSNCX (encoded)
Line CHARLIE designates the azimuth of attack from the observer. The azimuth
is measured clockwise from grid or magnetic north to the angle of attack from
the observer (you must state which is used). The azimuth may be stated in
degrees or ails, but the measurement used must be indicated.
Example: 242 degrees Grid or 2650 mils Magnetic
CM 1301