Lesson 3/Learning Event 1
Step 2. Tear the envelope approximately one-half inch from the top of the round end of the ticket
(figure 22 on page 51).
Step 3. Push the round end of the ticket out of the envelope.
Step 4. Add two drops of reagent from the white-marked bottle onto the disk. If the disk does not
wet easily, turn the disk around and insert the round end into the envelope. Massage the round end
of the ticket in the envelope until the disk is uniformly wet (figure 22).
Step 5. Push the round end of the ticket out of the envelope if it has been placed in the envelope.
Turn the disk around so that the square end is in the envelope. Remove the plastic guard from the
substrate dispenser. Carefully add two drops of substrate solution onto the wetted round disk (figure
22). If the disk does not turn blue within three minutes, turn the disk around and re-insert the round
end into the envelope and massage the ticket. If a blue color does not develop, discard the ticket and
obtain a fresh one.
If, after following the above procedures, the disk does not turn
blue, the ticket is not usable. Repeat steps 1 through 5 above using
a fresh ticket each time until three tests have been made. If a blue
color is not obtained on two out of three tests, the belt of tickets is
unusable and a fresh belt should be obtained.
Perform Tests. The detector tickets are used first. The tickets will indicate if V or G agents are
present. The tickets do not distinguish between V and G. If test results are positive, another test
must be performed to determine which agent is present.
Due to the low volatility of V agents, liquid agent may be present
even though no vapor is detected.
Prepare detector ticket for use. In this procedure, the square end of the ticket is prepared for its use
in performing the test for V and G agents.
Step 1. Detach a plastic envelope containing a detector ticket from the belt of tickets.
Step 2. Tear the envelope approximately one-half inch from the top of the round end of the ticket.
The existing notch or small slash in the envelope will assist in this tear.