Lesson 3
Ignite Smoke Pots
Critical Task: 031-508-1061
Lesson Description:
Methods of Igniting Smoke Pots
In this lesson you will learn how to ignite smoke pots
There are currently three methods of igniting smoke
pots. These are single ignition, multiple ignition, and
chain ignition. During single ignition, the smoke pots are
fired one at a time, either by mechanical or electrical
Terminal Learning Objective:
Action: Ignite smoke pots.
means. For multiple ignition, several smoke pots or a line
Conditions: Given information about and illustrations
of smoke pots are ignited simultaneously at different
related to the procedures for igniting smoke pots
locations. An electric firing circuit is normally used to
by manual and electrical methods.
accomplish multiple ignition. Chain ignition is the
Standards: Demonstrate competency of the task skills
igniting of smoke pots that are placed end to end either
and knowledge by responding to the multiple-
vertically or horizontally. Initial firing of chain-ignited
choice test covering the procedures for igniting
smoke pots can be either mechanical or electrical. Once
smoke pots by manual and electrical methods.
ignited, the heat generated by one burning pot will ignite
References: The material contained in this lesson was
the next smoke pot and provide smoke for a longer period
derived from TB CML 100.
of time than is possible by using a single smoke pot.
However, the total burning time is slightly less than the
total burning time would be if the smoke pots were
Prior to igniting any smoke pot, you must first
burned singly. This occurs because the heat from the first
understand the safety precautions to be observed during
smoke pot ignites the next smoke pot before the first
the handling and use of smoke pots. Keep in mind the
smoke pot is completely burned out.
safety precautions listed below whenever smoke pots are
When igniting a smoke pot manually, keep your
head well to one side on the top of the pot and out of the
way of sparks or flame.
Do NOT use the pull ring or safety pin on the
fuze for lifting or handling smoke pots.
Vent a burning-type (HC) smoke pots M4A2 and
ABC M5, for at least five minutes within 24 hours before
igniting by removing adhesive tape from the two vent
holes in the inside cover. Recover the holes with
adhesive tape before firing the smoke pots.
Use a 4-to 6-foot pole when moving a misfired
pot immediately following the first ignition attempt.
After five minutes, the misfired pot can be moved safely
by hand.
When authorized to destroy smoke pots to
prevent enemy use, be sure that smoke from the pots does
not interfere with the operations of nearby tactical units.
Wear a protective mask when exposed to a high
concentration of HC smoke, when exposed for a
Figure 17. Manual ignition.
prolonged period to an ordinary field concentration of
HC, or when exposed for a prolonged period to a high
concentration of SGF2.
When training with smoke pots, take
precautionary measures against accidental fires.