Step 5.
Observe the paper tab.
A color change to olive green
indicates Lewisite is present while a brown or tan color
indicates an absence of agent.
Do not use an outdated sampler,
unreliable test indications.
(2) Decontamination.
Decontamination can be accomplished by using
STB, DS2, or caustic soda. Liquid agent on the skin may be decontaminated
by use of the skin decontamination pad in the M13 Kit or by using the M280,
M258A1 or M291 Skin Decontamination Kits.
d. Mustard-Lewisite Mixture (HL).
Mustard-lewisite mixture is a
variable of HD and L which provides a low-freezing mixture for use in cold
weather operations or as high-altitude spray. Properties are listed for the
eutectic mixture (the mixture having the lowest possible freezing point),
which is 63 percent L and 37 percent HD by weight. Other mixtures, such as
50-50, may be prepared to meet predetermined weather conditions and have
advantages over the eutectic mixture because of the increased HD content.
e. Blister Agent (CX). Phosgene oxime may appear as a colorless, low-
melting point (crystalline) solid or as a liquid. It is readily soluble in
CX has a disagreeable, penetrating odor.
It is used as a quick-
acting casualty agent. CX is a powerful irritant which produces IMMEDIATE
pain varying from a mild prickling sensation to a feeling resembling a
severe bee sting. It causes violent irritation to the mucous membranes of
the eyes and nose. When CX comes in contact with the skin, the area becomes
blanched in 30 seconds and is surrounded by a red ring. A wheal forms in
about 30 minutes and the blanched area turns brown in about 24 hours, with a
scab forming in about a week. The scab generally falls off in about three
weeks. Itching may be present throughout healing which, in some cases, may
be delayed beyond two months.
(1) Detection Using the M256 Chemical Agent Detector Kit. Procedures
are described in the following steps.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Remove one detector sampler from the kit.
Step 3.
Tear the protective bag and remove the sampler.