Establishment and storage of a base load of petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) to include fog oil.
Development of procedures for maintaining and resupplying equipment and personnel.
Establishment of command and control relationships.
Identification of special considerations such as night operations or mission restriction.
Mission Request
All execution planning begins with a mission request that originates from the supported unit. The checklist
shown at Table 3 covers planning considerations. The task organization to support a mission request is
established first by the operation order (OPORD) or operation plan (OPLAN). This initial order or plan specifies
the command and support relationships, priorities for smoke support, and the mission. The initial tasking or
warning order should include --
The supported and supporting unit(s).
Task organization and command and control relationships of the smoke unit(s).
Command and control relationship between the smoke unit(s) and the supported unit(s).
The visibility criteria for the actual smoke mission.
Smoke location (smoke objective area) and smoke mission (that is, the deception cover defensive positions or
screen offensive movements).
Supported unit's tactical operations center (TOC) location and time the OPORD will be given.
Time of smoke mission (start and end times).
On receipt of the mission request, the smoke platoon leader and/or company commander immediately begins
reverse planning, starting with end of mission time and ending with the time the plan is prepared for execution.