b. The M17 LDS is designed for equipment and vehicle operational and thorough
decontamination. The system can also be used for troop showers, as necessary.
M12A1 Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus (PDDA).
a. The M12A1 PDDA is used to mix and spray decontaminating agent slurries and solutions,
and hot, soapy water rinses during decontamination. The apparatus (Figure 3-6) may also be used for
firefighting with water or foam, de-icing operations, vehicle washing, pumping fluids, and showering
personnel in the field.
b. The M12A1 PDDA consists of three skid-mounted units: a tank unit (500-gal. capacity), a
pump and hose unit, and the M2 Water Heater. The apparatus is designed to be used as a mobile or
stationary unit. It can be transported by and operated from any flatbed truck of 2 1/2-ton or larger load
capacity. It can be air transported by rotary or fixed-wing cargo-aircraft.
c. The pump unit assembly consists of a skid assembly; frame assembly; cover panels: gasoline
engine; plumbing; pump; prime-detergent tank; control panel; and cover. The control panel contains all
the gauges and valves for operating the engine and controlling pump delivery.
d. The tank unit assembly is used to store the water needed for use during decon operations.
The tank is bolted to a skid. When the equipment is operating, water is blended with decontaminating
agent in the tank. This forms slurry, which is a fairly thick liquid mixture. An agitator at the bottom of
the tank prevents solids from settling out of the slurry. The intake and blender hoses are stored on top of
the tank when not in use.
e. The M2 Water Heater is used to furnish hot water for decontamination. Using water +35 F
to 85, F, the M2 Water Heater boiler will raise temperature at least 100, F within 5 minutes, when the
water is flowing at a rate of 600 (10) gallons per hour. It is a fully enclosed, skid-mounted unit.
Functionally, the heater is a multifuel-fired, low-pressure boiler assembly consisting of a fuel and
f. The three units can be connected in a variety of ways to conform to mission requirements.
The M12A1 can also pump water into the tank from an external water source (e. g., stream or lake),
bypassing the tank unit.
CM 2506