Lesson 2/Learning Event 8
Plotting Monitoring Information. Monitoring reports and ground and aerial survey reports are
processed and plotted into ground dose rates at the points at which the readings were taken. Only peak
dose-rate readings reposed on monitoring reports will be plotted, while all readings from survey reports
will be plotted.
Determination of dose-rate contours and key dose-rate locations requires large quantities of information.
Once the contours and key dose rates have been determined, however, much of the dose-rate
information would be extraneous on the radiological situation map. For this reason, worksheet overlays
are prepared for the initial identification and surveillance of each contamination hazard and only the
necessary identification data are transferred to the radiological situation map.
Plotting Radiological Survey Information (Route Technique). When aerial and
ground survey
information is obtained, it must be posted to the situation map or overlay.
Ground Survey. Dose-rate information from a ground survey accomplished using the route techniques
will be processed into normalized ground dose rates which existed at selected distance intervals along a
route between two or more check points. The route, check points, and distance interval will be
determined prior to the survey. The plotting procedure established in 1 and 2 below can be
accomplished prior to receipt of the survey information.
Mark and label the check points on the worksheet overlay and trace out the preselected routes.
Divide the route between check points into the preselected distance intervals, moving in the same
direction as that assigned the survey party.
Enter the normalized dose rate beside the proper location as processed data become available.
Aerial Survey. Dose-rate information from an aerial survey which was flown using the route technique
will be processed into normalized ground dose rates which existed at certain points along the route and
plotted as shown in figure 20 on page 73.
Before receiving the dose-rate information, mark and label the check points for the route on the
worksheet overlay and trace out the preselected route.
After the survey data for the route are received, count the number of readings taken for the route.
Care must be taken to include all readings, including zero readings, since the number of time
intervals used during flight of the route is required. Since the aircraft flew over the route at a
constant ground speed taking readings at equal-time intervals, the distance