Lesson 3/Learning Event 1
The NBCE will receive chemical contamination information in the form of NBC 1 (Chemical) Reports
from units in the field. Each unit is responsible for chemical reconnaissance of its own front, flanks,
routes, and alternate routes of approach. Patrols may be designated by the unit to conduct chemical
reconnaissance. An immediate, quick reconnaissance to determine the best means of passage is
necessary whenever a contaminated area is encountered unexpectedly.
NBC 1 (Chemical) Reports are used by the observing unit or the attacked unit to report initial and
subsequent data of a chemical attack to its higher headquarters. The standardized format provides a
rapid means of sending the information. It usually does not provide a secure means. If a more secure
means of sending the information is required, the commander will determine that means. The SOP may
specify that unit locations be encoded.
The NBC 1 (Chemical) Report must be submitted as soon as possible after the start of a chemical attack.
As soon as the unit has given the alarm to its personnel, it must report the information which is
immediately available. After the chemical has been identified, or when more information is available,
another report is submitted. This is a subsequent NBC 1 (Chemical) Report More than one subsequent
report may be submitted.
The NBC 1 (Chemical) Report will be transmitted up the chain of command. Each unit alerts its
subordinate units, then transmits the report. For example, a company under chemical attack would first
alert its subordinate units on the company nets with a FLASH precedence brevity code "GAS." Then
the company would alert its battalion headquarters with an initial NBC 1 (Chemical) Report. The
battalion would alert its subordinate, attached, and supporting units. Then it would submit an initial
report to its brigade headquarters. This process continues until the report reaches the division NBCE.
If more than one company submits an initial NBC 1 (Chemical) Report to the battalion headquarters, the
battalion will consolidate the reports. Then one initial NBC 1 report will be submitted by the battalion
to the brigade command. The brigade would likewise consolidate any duplications before reporting to
the division.