Lesson 2/Learning Event 1
Figure 3 on page 29, figure 4, and figure 5 on page 31 show how radiological data can be recorded and
transmitted to the NBCE. Figure 4 shows an NBC 4 report which has been sent to report the initial
contact with radiological fallout. At this time, CPL Jones began monitoring in his foxhole and recording
his readings every 30 minutes (figure 3). At 0900, he took a reading outside so that a correlation factor
could be computed for his readings. At 1030 he was able to confirm that the 1000 reading was a peak
reading. At this time, he took another outside reading which confirmed his correlation factor. This
correlation factor was applied to all readings and an NBC 4 (Nuclear) Report (figure 5) was prepared
and forwarded.
If the correlation factor is not applied to all readings, the NBC 4 report must include the fact that a
correlation factor of 10 (in this case) must be applied to the readings as transmitted.
In addition to monitoring reports, NBC 4 (Nuclear) Reports will be used by the survey party to report
dose rates at critical points of interest to the control party.
Process NBC 4 (Nuclear) Report Data
The NBC 4 (Nuclear) Report will usually be received at the NBCE by radio. Personnel receiving NBC
4 (Nuclear) Reports from radiological monitors will record this information on the Radiological Data
Sheet DA Form 1971-R. Since radiological monitoring information is of intelligence value to the
enemy, location co-ordinates may be encoded. If location co-ordinates are encoded, they must be
decoded before entering the information on the Radiological Data Sheet.