Site Clearance Phase.
Although Operational Decontamination is done rapidly with little site
preparation, areas will be contaminated when the operation is completed.
This could be a hazard to friendly forces reoccupying the area.
The Battalion PDDE crew cleans
the MOPP Gear Exchange area. They bury or
burn the contaminated refuse
Burning increases the downwind
vapor hazard. If the MOPP Gear Exchange is
done at a different location,
the contaminated unit must clean up after
itself. No cleanup is required
in the Vehicle Washdown area.
The battalion PDDE crew marks the Operational Decontamination Site with
standard NBC Warning Markers.
They report contaminated areas through
channels, using the NBC Warning and Reporting System (NBCWRS).
friendly forces can avoid the area.
Table 2-1 shows the techniques of Operational and Thorough Decontamination,
when they should be started, who does them, and the gains made. They are
supported by at least one of the decontamination elements listed in Table 2-
Table 2-1.
Comparison Data for Decon Levels/Techniques