squad-size element. In wartime, 5-pound quantities of STB can be put in 1-
gallon airtight containers and stored in the company supply section. This
saves time when supplying Operational Decontamination Operations.
During peacetime, the original STB 50-pound drums
should not be opened. STB loses its effectiveness if
left open to air for extended periods.
The battalion resupplies the company with MOPP Gear and decontaminants.
Battalion overstocks MOPP Gear by 5 percent of its personnel strength to
ensure a complete range of sizes (per CTA 50-900).
Manage MOPP Gear the
same as other organizational clothing and equipment (Class II Supplies).
Pair the soldiers into Buddy Teams. Space the teams in a circular pattern
with 1 to 3 meters between teams. Control contamination spread by placing
contaminated overgarments and discarded towelettes in one pile.
If at any time during the technique, you suspect you have spread
decontaminate with the Skin Decontamination Kit, then proceed with the MOPP
Gear Exchange.
MOPP Gear Exchange begins when a company supply vehicle unloads replacement
The squad decontaminates individual
fighting equipment at this point and picks up new MOPP Gear.
The squad
members pair up, forming a circle around a lead team.
When using the
M24/M25-Series Protective Mask, the MOPP Gear Exchange is best performed
using teams of three soldiers each. This will allow one soldier to hold the
filter canister while one soldier assists the other during the exchange.
The soldiers rotate until all have performed the MOPP Gear Exchange. After
Step 1, the soldiers in each Buddy Team no longer alternate between steps.
The first soldier goes through Steps 2 to 7 before alternating. Then the
soldiers reverse roles. This ensures no contamination is spread onto skin
or undergarments. See Tables 3-1 through 3-9 and Figures 3-1 through 3-7 on
pages 3-4 through 3-11.