Complicate identification of the agents
Disguise one of the agents
Combine immediate and long-term weapons, such as Anthrax with an
incubation period of 1 to 5 days and Histoplasmosis with an
incubation period of 5 to 18 days
Mixed Agent Decontamination.
Chemical agents are normally the fastest-acting and most lethal type of
effective for removing biological and radiological contamination.
are not necessarily effective against chemical agents.
Currently fielded equipment cannot identify toxins or biological hazards.
Therefore, the combination of biological and chemical Contaminants might
appear insurmountable.
This is not the case, if standard chemical
decontamination measures are followed at once.
Use standard chemical
also be used for toxins and biological agents.
The effectiveness of field expedient chemical decontaminants against these
hazards is unclear.
Do not base decontamination measures solely upon the
first hazard identified. Make sure you conduct thorough checks to identify
all the agent hazards. If specific agents can be detected, take appropriate
decontamination measures.
Otherwise, use standard decontaminants and
conduct chemical decontamination. See Appendix C.