enough to conceal the entire contaminated company awaiting entrance into the
contamination site. The company commander and key personnel are briefed by
the chemical platoon leader on the decontamination site layout. The platoon
leader points out overwatch positions that secure the site.
contaminated company will secure the site and control access into it.
Before entering the decontamination site, take the following actions to
benefit from Thorough Decontamination:
First, segregate.
contamination and segregate. If contamination is found or if they
are suspected of being biologically contaminated, those personnel
are identified as contaminated.
Second, dismount.
Crews, except drivers, dismount the vehicle.
This will prevent
further contamination from being spread into
vehicle interiors.
Third, prepare. While still in MOPP 4, crews prepare their vehicles
for processing. They remove the pioneer equipment, shovel and ax,
from the vehicle and use it to clean off heavy mud and debris. They
concentrate on the vehicle undercarriage, the most likely place for
contamination to collect and the hardest place to decontaminate.
They replace the pioneer tools when finished so that the equipment
can be decontaminated with the vehicle.
Remove seat covers and
canvas items.
These readily absorb contamination and pose a
dangerous transfer hazard. Anything that cannot be decontaminated
and Methods. It is important that unit SOPs designate which items
may and may not be carried on vehicle exteriors, so that special
handling and decontamination can be kept to a minimum.
chemical personnel will provide advice about decontaminating such
Fourth, move.
Vehicles move to Equipment Decon site.
crews move to the Troop Decontamination site.
The contaminated
company provides guides to control vehicle traffic through the site.
The site layout will determine the actual number of guides needed.
sergeant, and so forth) must assist in traffic control.