Step 4. Use the M2 water heater to heat water used in refilling the tank unit assembly if the spraying
mission is not completed.
Step 5. Drain the M12A1 PDDA according to the procedure described in Lesson 2, Learning Event 2.
Spraying Slurry. Although slurry should not be used at temperatures below freezing, on some occasions
it may be necessary to do so. At temperatures below freezing, slurry is sprayed according to the
following steps:
Step 1. Winterize the M12A1 PDDA.
Step 2. Fill the tank unit assembly with water. Mix with slurry. Agitate the mixture constantly until
ready to spray.
Step 3. Start spraying. If possible, do not discontinue the spraying operation until the tank unit
assembly is empty or until the decontaminating mission is completed.
NOTE: At temperatures below freezing, if spraying must be stopped for any reason, drain the slurry
from the discharge hoses and piping and the tank unit assembly. Then flush and drain the
After-Mission Actions. After completing the mission, flush, clean, and drain the M12A1 PDDA as
described in Lesson 2, Learning Event 2. To avoid freezing damage, be sure no liquid is left in the
apparatus. Lubricate as required.
Operation in Snow and Ice
Keep the M12A1 PDDA free of snow and ice as much as possible. The pump unit assembly is
completely enclosed with cover panels to protect the pump. Use the canvas dust cover from the pump
unit assembly to protect the controls on the panel. Follow winterizing procedures described earlier in
this learning event.
Operation in Salt Water and High Humidity Environments
When operating in an area close to salt water or where the humidity is high, keep all exterior surfaces
well painted. Watch for and clean corrosion from electrical terminals. Coat the battery terminals with a
coat of GAA. Observe measures for engine protection and take necessary precautions. Make certain
that all surfaces requiring lubrication are clean and dry before applying lubricants. The operating crew
is authorized to retouch painted surfaces as necessary to prevent rust and corrosion.
Operation in Extreme Neat
Inspect the rubber hoses once a week for signs of wear and damage. Rubber deteriorates rapidly in
extreme heat.