Future armed conflicts are likely to involve use of one or a combination of nuclear, biological, and
chemical (NBC) weapons by the enemy. Contamination from these weapons causes casualties and
restricts the use of equipment, terrain, and facilities. A means of accomplishing quick and effective
decontamination is essential if US forces and equipment are to remain in service and combat effective.
The M12A1 PDDA is, perhaps, the single most important piece of equipment available to provide
decontamination on a scale greater than individual or crew-level decontamination of vehicles or
equipment. In addition to using the M12A1 PDDA in decontamination operations, the apparatus can be
used for fire fighting with water or foam, de-icing equipment, and showering personnel. The M12A1
PDDA is NOT used for spraying herbicides or insecticides.
In this subcourse, you will learn to identify components of and describe the M12A1 PDDA. You will
also learn to describe the procedures required to start, operate, and stop the M12A1 PDDA; to pump
water using the M12A1 PDDA and load the tank with water; to heat water using the M12A1 PDDA; and
to load, meter, and disperse substances (STB, detergent, fire-extinguishing foam) using the M12A1
When you are thoroughly familiar with all procedures described in this subcourse, you will understand
and be able to apply the principles of operation of the M12A1 PDDA. Your understanding of the use of
this apparatus will be beneficial to you in your duties. It will also be of benefit to your unit and may
prevent or reduce casualties in a tactical environment where there is a need for decontamination of
Read each lesson carefully and study the illustrations, then try to answer the questions in the practice
exercise. Following the practice exercise are answers to the questions, referenced to learning events in
the lesson. When you have completed all the lessons and practice exercises, you should review all the
material in the subcourse before beginning the examination.