Lesson 2/Learning Event 5
Decontamination Supplies
The two decontaminants most likely to be on hand in the unit are DS2 and STB. Both these
decontaminants are formulations of strong chemicals. They must be strong to quickly and
effectively decontaminate material which is contaminated with chemical agents, but they pose
potential hazards if they are not stored and handled properly. When DS2 and STB contact each
other, they react vigorously and produce much heat. They must be stored so that if leakage
occurs, they cannot mix.
DS2 containers must not be opened until the DS2 is to be used. Once a container of DS2 is
opened, it should all be used or disposed of. An opened container of DS2 is not stored since the
DS2 reacts with moisture in the air and becomes useless within a few days.
STB containers should be stored in a cool, dry location. STB containers should not be opened
until ready for use, because the rate at which the active component is lost will increase if
containers are opened.
Personal decontamination items are stored with protective masks.
Some radiacmeter sets contain radioactive check sources. Most contain delicate components and
sensitive electronic circuits. They should be safeguarded and controlled. A wall locker which
can be locked is a suggested storage location for them.
Other NBC Items
Numerous other items related to NBC defense may be found in the unit. The table shown in
figure 8 summarizes most items likely to be found in the unit and recommended storage of the