Step 1.
Locate the total dose value on the total dose scale. Place the end of a hairline on this
mark and hold it in place with a pin or sharp pencil.
Step 2.
Rotate the hairline to cross the dose rate scale at the mark representing the H + 1 dose
rate in the fallout area.
Step 3.
Move the pin or sharp pencil to hold the hairline in position at the point where it
crosses the index scale. Rotate the hairline to cross the entry time scale at the point
representing the time after burst when personnel will enter the fallout area.
Step 4.
Read the value at the point where the hairline crosses the stay time scale. This value
represents the maximum time in hours that personnel can remain in the fallout area
without exceeding the OEG established by the commander.
EXAMPLE PROBLEM: A platoon of engineer personnel must enter a fallout area to perform repairs to
a bridge on a route through the area. The H + 1 dose rate in the area of the bridge is 200 cGy, but the
personnel are not to receive more than 50 cGy. The platoon will enter the area at H + 6.5 hours. How
long can the personnel remain in the area?
200 cGyph
50 cGy
H + 6.5 hours
3 hours (Figure 4-1)