Lesson 1/Learning Event 3
NBC survey teams must use certain reconnaissance techniques to accomplish their mission. In
order to do this, NBC survey teams must be familiar with the fundamentals of reconnaissance and
the types of reconnaissance missions.
Fundamentals of Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance operations vary with the operational environment, the assigned mission, and the
size, type, and composition of the reconnaissance element. The decision for the type of
reconnaissance to be conducted for a reconnaissance operation will be based upon the size of the
area, the time allowed, and the tactical situation. Ground reconnaissance operations are performed
in accordance with the following fundamentals:
Orient on the Location or Movement of the Intelligence Objectives. Units engaged in
reconnaissance operations maneuver according to the location or movement of the intelligence
objective rather than the location or movement of friendly forces. The objective may be enemy
troops, a terrain feature, or a locality. To effectively perform reconnaissance, commanders of
reconnaissance elements are allowed maximum freedom of action commensurate with the mission.
Report All Information Accurately. Reconnaissance is conducted to obtain information to be used
in the production of intelligence. All items of military significance are reported. Moreover, to be of
value, reconnaissance reports must be complete, timely, and accurate.
Avoid Engagement. Units performing reconnaissance obtain information by stealth whenever
possible: combat is conducted only in self-defense. The reconnaissance mission must not be
jeopardized by unnecessary combat.
There are three types of reconnaissance: route, zone, and area. NBC reconnaissance units conduct
NBC reconnaissance operations using these types of reconnaissance.
Route Reconnaissance
Route reconnaissance is directed to obtain information of the enemy, obstacles (including chemical
The techniques employed and the requirements of route reconnaissance are less time-consuming and
are performed more rapidly than other types of reconnaissance.