Lesson 5/Learning Event 1
Normally, survey parties are briefed by the officer or NCO in charge of the control party. This
briefing may be centralized or conducted on an individual basis and may vary in detail from an area
assignment to specific route assignments for each survey party. Generalized assignments favor
initiation of the survey, but more specific assignments reduce difficulties of interpretation,
communication, and security. The degree of detail of the briefing depends upon the time available
to plan the survey, the feasibility of a centralized briefing, and the status of training of survey party
The NBC reconnaissance squad is briefed by the platoon leader. The reconnaissance squad may be
attached or placed in direct support of a force requiring its assistance. The NBC reconnaissance
squad is found in each division, corps support command, separate brigade, and armored cavalry
the command surgeon. This is done to determine if the nature and extent of the contamination has
not already been identified in recent medical cases.
Briefing Guidance
Briefings given to survey parties and NBC reconnaissance units will provide guidance in the
following areas:
This will be to
identify the type and extent of
the chemical hazard or to
collect biological
agent samples.
Start and Completion Times. The times during which the survey will be conducted will be given.
Conduct of the Reconnaissance. The data may be summarized as an overlay or a map marked by
the control party or platoon leader. Reconnaissance mission orders should include the following:
Type of reconnaissance
Specific area or point at which attack indicator was observed
Type of indicator observed
Critical reconnaissance points