d. Remove the cardboard cutter edge protector and dispose of it as
The M9 Detector Paper dye may cause cancer. However, since very little
is used, the risk is small. Always wear protective gloves when touching
detector paper. DO NOT PLACE detector paper in or near your mouth or on
your skin.
Operating Procedure.
a. Remove detector paper from dispenser, starting paper strip through
the slot.
Pull the M9 Detector Paper Strip and the Olive Drab (OD) Paper Strip
b. Hold M9 Detector Paper Strip between forefinger and thumb on one
hand and the OD Paper Strip between forefinger and thumb on the other hand.
Pull the amount of detector paper needed through the slots.
c. When you have enough detector paper, cut it half way by pulling the
strip down on the cutting edge.
d. Lift the detector paper strip off
cutting edge, then pull
strips out another inch.
e. Tear through the remaining half of the detector paper strip.
f. Tear off the OD Paper Strip, but leave enough sticking out to be
ready for your next use.
Put M9 Detector Paper on MOPP Gear.
a. Place M9 Detector Paper on opposite sides of the body.
b. If you are fight handed, place a strip of M9 Detector Paper around
your right upper arm, left wrist, and around your right ankle (Figure 3-1).
c. If you are left handed, place the M9 Detector Paper around your left
upper arm, right wrist, and around your left ankle.
CM 1301